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Galerie Poggi is participating in Paris Design Week for the first time, launching a series of collaborations with key players in the field of design. This new programme will be inaugurated in September 2024 by the legendary design company BD Barcelona Design (Barcelona), NES Gallery (Paris) and Apartamento Magazine (Barcelona).


Echoing the centenary show on Surrealism at the Centre Pompidou this fall, interior architect Joan Madera has designed an exhibition of historic furniture by BD Barcelona Design (Antoni Gaudí, Salvador Dalí, Òscar Tusquets) based on a rare prototype of Dalí’s famous Saliva Sofa (1972), which will be displayed in dialogue with contemporary artists from Galerie Poggi.

In parallel, NES Gallery has been invited to create a dialogue between design and contemporary art, having been entrusted with the gallery’s first carte blanche. The gallery will fill the salons on the first floor with iconic pieces from the 80s and 90s, for a duration of three months (until December 2024). In addition, the magazine and publisher Apartamento will be transforming the gallery’s bookshop into a concept store throughout Design Week.

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September 4 - 14, 2024

Viewing Room

Oeuvres (Sélection)