Štefan Papčo, “Antigravitácia”
The experience gained by Štefan Papčo in his previous works, mainly focused on the question of the interconnection between the physical and mental worlds of verticality (Citizens, Might, Material/ Dewy/ Absolute, Where I Wasn’t), is now oriented towards the quest for new levels of sculptural research in the spirit of the American artist Robert Smithson – “Site / Nonsite”.
The term “Nonsite” refers to a group of artifacts, most often acquired in an outdoor space, which are then transferred to a gallery or other indoor environment and thus represent an external place in a different form which has the potential to communicate an experience and truth beyond us. The ambition of Štefan Papčo’s solo exhibition “Antigravitácia” is to amplify and articulate the inner link between physical and spiritual space.